O tempora: Command & Conquer series, as a story

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

People who read me for a while now know that I tend to preface my strategy game post with clearly outlining that I absolutely irredeemably suck at those. Yet, there are several franchises that I love, even if I play on easiest difficulties or outright cheat while playing them, just for the sake of their stories, their worlds, the music the style and everything that isn’t gameplay I just fail to be interested in. And for a while I planned to revisit one of the most influential and creative franchises that are no longer with us, because EA. Anyway, I just wanted to take a look at how the series evolved in style and story, with few mentions of gameplay, through its 3 separate sub-series with One Vision, One Purpose.

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In love with: HITMAN – Game of the Year Edition

Hitman series are 17 years old by now. They started out with Codename 47, a PC-exclusive fresh new take on the freeform stealth ideas introduced in Thief: The Dark Project. Where instead of stealth, it focused on “social stealth” and blending in, and instead of stealing, on the art of killing. Despite all the flaws, like unnecessary action-focused missions, incredibly simplistic concept of blending in with no in-between states of suspicion, and less complex AI patterns than the ones you get today, it remains an amazing game, with some of the best missions in the entire series (like “Traditions of the Trade” or “The Massacre at Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant”). Of course, most of the good stuff has been later remade in Hitman: Contracts, which might as well be considered the proper start of the series (Hitman 2 also being rather rough), which finally realized that pure stealth and pure action sequences just don’t fit the series. And Blood Money remains one of the best examples of the stealth games to this day.

Then we had Hitman: Absolution, which was… well… It was a rather cool stealth action game, but a terrible Hitman game. A linear, story-driven game, where social stealth and blending in usually worked against you, since most of the time being dressed as someone you want to blend in with meant higher of getting noticed. But a lot of the ideas and concepts introduced in that game were great, ready to be taken, modified and perfected to work in a proper Hitman game. And that’s what the game, simply called HITMAN, is – best ideas from all the previous games in one package. And then some.

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Happy about: Vaporum

You know, there was a time when “dungeon crawl” felt like something bad and boring for me. Probably more due to disposable boring dungeon quests in RPGs, bad Diablo clones and grindy Japanese action RPGs. I actually didn’t play a lot of classic dungeon crawlers, like Ultima Underworld or even newer titles influenced by it like Arx Fatalis and didn’t get to understand the good bits of this subgenre of action RPGs until Legend of Grimrock 5 years ago. But since Grimrock, I was highly interested. And there haven’t been that many good follow ups to that game, apart from its fantastic sequel. Games usually focus too much on combat, or too much on puzzles, or too much on something else, never really feeling as balanced and as engrossing as Legend of Grimrock games were. Vaporum is one of the better examples so far.

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Thoughts on: Resident Evil 7. Gold Edition. The DLCs

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard has been a fantastic opener for 2017 – a proper, if not the best possible, return of the real survival horror (and not horror+something games that love to misgenre themselves). I rarely replay modern titles, but I replayed RE7 at least 5 times right after completing it for the first time. So, I was unsurprisingly excited for more RE7: there were 2 mini-DLC packs announced and 2 bigger stories, one paid and one free. And after multiple delays, we got the Gold Edition of the game with all this content on top of the main game just earlier this week. Still no VR support for PC, though, so there will be more updates, but content-wise, we probably will not get any more major additions or updates. Is the paid DLC worth the upgrade price?

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Thoughts on: The Sexy Brutale and Epistory – Typing Chronicles

Sometimes it feels like the best gaming ideas are never getting re-explored despite being amazing. Sometimes some game developer thinks the same and re-explores a cool game idea. The Sexy Brutale and Epistory – Typing Chronicles are perfect examples of games that we should have more of.

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Disapprove: Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter

So, last time I told you how great the Crimes and Punishments is, how Frogwares have created not just the best game they ever made, not just the best Sherlock Holmes game, but one of the best examples of adventure games in recent history, if not of all time. For some reason, 2 years later they followed up with The Devil’s Daughter, which isn’t the worst game in their Sherlock Holmes series, but is very close to being one.

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In love with: Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments

It took me much longer to finally get to Frogwares’ now not even latest Sherlock Holmes game than I anticipated. I actually bought it back in Warsaw 2 years ago, but had to ask Steam to remove it from my account, because it was a region locked Polish and Russian version or something along the lines. Still have the box, though, which contained the full walkthrough (which I didn’t use, however). And after finally finishing the game my first thought was – damn, I wish I had played the game earlier.

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Thoughts on: Silence, Full Throttle Remastered and Tiny Echo

It’s time for some pointing and clicking. I decided to give a shot to a sequel to a game that was pretty popular and a remaster of an old classic, but in between them, a tiny little adventure decided to give me an extra hour of adventuring. Let me tell you what I think of Silence, Full Throttle Remastered and Tiny Echo.

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Thoughts on: Mystik Belle, Detention and few other games

There have been quite a lot of games I was curious about, a lot of which turned out to be not what I wanted. A few, though, turned out to be amazing. Let me write some good things about Mystik Belle, Detention, Lode Runner Legacy and some non good things about Seasons after fall, Wuppo and Everything.

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In love with: Tales from the Borderlands

There’s been a lot of games by Telltale games. Way too many, I’d say. And that’s one of the main reasons I’ve stopped caring about the games they make. They started with pretty average and often boring to play (but fun to watch) adventure games with 3D controls and a lot of classic point and click adventure elements in. That didn’t work out well. Then they tried switching to “interactive stories”, and it didn’t work out at all (with the Jurassic Park game), yet the second try was much better and their Walking Dead series, based on the comic book series of the same name, won several awards and were lauded as a story-driven evolution of adventure titles. So they did what a lot of studios do after they find a success formula that works and made, mechanically speaking, the exact same game over and over again for the past 6 years. Sometimes, based on franchises that don’t even make any sense (Story-driven Minecraft? Really?). But I heard good things about Tales from the Borderlands, and last time I heard good things about the Telltale game, it was about The Wolf Among Us, and that game was really good. So, how about the Borderlands game without the bazillion guns?

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