Thoughts on: Darksiders Warmastered Edition

Back in 2010 when the original Darksiders was released it wasn’t something I was too excited about. While it did have the 3D Legend of Zelda gameplay clearly inspired by another Zelda-like series of the past Legacy of Kain, and LoK is one of my favorite series. And it did mix that with more Devil May Cry-ish elements to focus the gameplay more on solid action, rather than puzzles, and I do like DMC. And it did have a very distinct style, with a very comic book meets action figure meets Blizzard design meets whatever else, that looked pleasing. All of that somehow didn’t click for me as much as I hoped it would. But I did enjoy the game. Did I enjoy returning to it in this remastered version? Well…

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In love with: Yakuza 0

While Yakuza series have been around for a while now, I never had a chance to check them out because of not owning the platforms the games were exclusive to. So they just remained the series people love to talk about and praise, but something that I’ve not experienced for myself, nor knew how exactly it plays. With the recent release of Yakuza 0 on PC I finally had a chance to experience the series for myself. And… wow. I mean. Wow.


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Revisiting Mass Effect 2 (with DLCs)

Mass Effect was incredibly ambitious – huge emphasis on exploring space, an epic yet personal choice and character driven story, third person combat that tries to also be a complex action RPG. All on the scale never done before and rarely tried after. Mass Effect 2 is ambitious in a very different way. Instead of going so big and grand, it tries to go simple and detailed. It simplifies most of the things and focuses only on what it can do well, and then does it exceptionally well. Going straight from the first game into the second one feels weird – the sequel feels so different, yet, somehow, so right.

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Revisiting Mass Effect

Yes, it has been more than 10 years already, hard to believe as it may be, since Mass Effect was originally released. First exclusively on Xbox 360, then, half a year later on PC (PS3 version didn’t come until 2012, though). Despite BioWare setting a new example, a new milestone in how to make story driven RPGs with almost every game prior to this one, it was Mass Effect specifically that became a template for so many games to follow. A cinematic, character and story driven, action and dialogue focused RPG that tried to please varied audience on different platforms without compromising on its values. A game so fresh, yet so distinctively BioWare.

Playing it today on PC it’s easy to see why it was loved and why other games tried to copy it. Also easy to notice things that hasn’t aged well or were not good in the first place.

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Happy about: Ys: Memories of Celceta

There, it finally happened. Now every main Ys game (apart from the still not remade V) is available on PC for your enjoyment. This latest release is a new canon re-imagining of the fourth entry in the main series, that previously was comprised of two similar, but different games telling a similar story. Oh, the events of the game are also set as a chronological second adventure and happen before the third game (Oath in Felghana) but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that the game is fun. Even if not the best in the series.

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Happy about: Devil May Cry HD Collection and 4: Special Edition

I remember learning about Devil May Cry back when I only had a PS1 of my own and waiting for the next Resident Evil. Code Veronica X on PS2 was originally released with the demo disc of DMC and I’ve seen many a fan of RE later say that that demo disc was the best thing about their purchase. Originally planned as the next entry in Resident Evil franchise (you can even see Umbrella logo in some of the old concept art) and highly influenced by Onimusha and Hideki Kamiya’s love for over the top stylish action concepts, this hack and slash action title created something of a genre of it’s own, sometimes called “stylish action” or “character action”. And while it evolved so much with fans eagerly awaiting whatever next game PlatinumGames (comprised of a lot of old Capcom employees who worked on DMC) are going to release, it’s interesting to go to the beginning and see how the genre defining franchise evolved.

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Thoughts on: The Mummy Demastered

Licensed videogames are known to be mostly miss than hit. There are few notable exceptions of games being good, and even rarer exceptions where the game was superior to the product it was meant to promote. I heard that last year’s The Mummy reboot was bad. Yet, somehow it managed to lead to this tie-in videogame. Is it great? No. But it’s quite decent and has an amazing soundtrack.

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In love with: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA

In just 4 years I went from “What’s Ys?” to being a huge fan of these action RPG series by Nihon Falcom that is finally starting to get proper recognition outside of Japan. I didn’t like all games I’ve played so far equally. Origin and the story arc it preludes (covered in I & II) used to be my favorite – it had the perfect version of the gameplay mechanics that the series had in mid-00s, it had really interesting memorable story with good characters and it was quite short and to the point, covering every important and exciting aspect of itself in the best possible way. And I wasn’t super keen on the new gameplay ideas introduced in Ys Seven, the template currently used by the series, so I was a bit cautious about VIII (and still is about IV, which I will play later this year when it’s ported to PC).

Now, some of my concerns and fears were justified. But Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA might be my favorite Ys game so far and one of the best examples of action RPGs I’ve ever seen, both mechanically and narratively.

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Thoughts on: Danganronpa 1, 2 and Ultra Despair Girls

Just like the Zero Escape series, Danganronpa has been a series I’ve been curious about for a very long time now. It has gained a huge following outside of Japan years before getting an official localisation for its quirky dark humour, fantastic soundtracks and curious approach to mixing adventure game visual novel elements in rather novel ways. But are they really that great?

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In love with: Treasure Adventure World

There aren’t that many good examples of a free game turned into a paid product I can think of from the top of the head. Can think of plenty mods turned to paid games, sure. But free games? World of Goo was made from a free Experimental Gameplay Project title that simply had the same basic mechanics and looks. Super Win the Game is more of a successor to the free You Have to Win the Game. Only La-Mulana, Spelunky and maybe Eversion feel like actual “remakes”, which follow a more or less same structure as their original free counterpart but with updates. I suppose, Cave Story can somehow fit this list too. But point is – not that many I can think of, and, interestingly, almost all of them are somewhat metroidvania-ish.

Treasure Adventure Game is a free exploration-focused platformer with Zelda and Metroid influences that was released about 6 and a half years ago. I stumbled upon it due to it being featured on GOG and had a blast playing it 6 years ago. Then about a year later a remake was announced. Treasure Adventure World is a higher resolution, higher fidelity remake, with minor updates and several pacing changes, but overall unchanged design. For better and worse.

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