Disapprove: Darksiders III (with DLCs)

While revisiting the first two Darksiders games late last year in their remastered editions I was planning to get into the third title the day of release. I actually had it pre-ordered, something I rarely do, back then and had high hopes for the game. Then the reviews hit and I, for the first time ever, withdrew my pre-order and decided to revisit the title after patches and DLCs hit. Well, that happened and the current version of Darksiders III is supposedly the most complete it will ever get. A game I wouldn’t recommend to anyone.

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O tempora: Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

Of all the Infinity Engine-based games that I’ve played (I’m to play Icewind Dale 2 next for the first time, but otherwise all of them) Icewind Dale was the only one that I had barely any memories of. I remembered playing it, remember it being obnoxiously high on combat and not much else, but otherwise, I couldn’t remember anything else. Now that I’ve replayed the game in the Enhanced Edition version (with the expansion and the add-on to the expansion I’ve not played before included), I understand why it was so.

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Disapprove: Finding Paradise

When I first played To the Moon 7 years ago I had certain expectations. The game was talked a lot about, with people describing it very emotional and moving. The “I cried” sentiment around it, in fact, turned into the same bandwagon stock phrase/meme similar to whatever would form around any hugely popular game. And I liked it. It didn’t move me in the same ways it seemed to affect people and it was mechanically annoying at times, but it was also a nicely put together story that I was glad to go through and could easily recommend to others. Though, I also said that the free Mirror Lied from the same developers was a much more engaging title and still stand by that.

Then A Bird Story happened. An absolutely pointless title with a story that could’ve and should’ve been told in about 10 minutes Since that was supposed to be somewhat of a prequel to Finding Paradise, my expectations were quite a bit lower this time around. And even with that, Finding Paradise managed to disappoint, despite having a strong central story.

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Late thoughts on the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trilogy

Despite following the development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl ever since GSC set out to create “our own Ukrainian Fallout”, I wasn’t really into it when it came out. I admired the game for what it was, but I didn’t have fun. Yet, I still bought Clear Sky as soon as it got released and… never finished it. When Call of Pripyat was announced, I originally took it as a joke and then simply ignored the game altogether.

For years I wanted to give the series another go. And I finally got in the mood to do that. No mods, no enhancements, no fan patches, just the final versions of each game as they are. Let’s see how they feel in 2019.

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Disapprove: Q.U.B.E. 2

The original Q.U.B.E. was one of the still quite few examples of well made First Person Physics-based Puzzle games, when it launched over 7 years ago. While never fantastic, it was a solid and stylish simple puzzle game with no story, atmospheric tunes and really cool visual design, combined with some fun puzzles all based around manipulating parts of the environment. It was then followed by Director’s Cut, a misguided re-release of the game that did remove a rather annoying puzzle, but also added a completely unnecessary, badly written and pace breaking narration and, to fit the new narrated mood, a more ambient score instead of a more pronounced music of the original.

And now, a couple more years later, Q.U.B.E. 2 was released. And I cannot figure out why.

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Disapprove: RiME

Ever since Ico became popular I’ve seen a lot of games attempt doing something similar – a puzzle and platforming 3D game with no spoken narration, simple but beautiful artstyle, moving music and some central concept/idea to it all. And as more and more indie developers became enabled to use powerful engines that allow creating something mechanically simple, but beautiful and, hopefully, evocative, the amount of games of this type went up dramatically. RiME is just another example of this type of game. Made with lots of care, genuinely good looking, with a good story concept behind it and yet all too familiar, not particularly fun and ultimately forgettable.

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Disapprove: Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (Gold Edition)

It’s been a while since I’ve genuinely enjoyed my time with an Assassin’s Creed game. I play them more out of weird interest in the series, than out of love or even liking anything they have to offer lately. They have good ideas, but usually fall flat at being actually interesting. I think last time I was genuinely invested in the AC game was with 3 – there was a truly great storyline, which devolved into crap, but had really strong themes. Black Flag and Rogue had some fun gameplay and Rogue wasn’t a complete flop as a story. Unity had potential to be the next AC1 – properly well done story driven stealth action adventure, but turned out to be a mess. Syndicate tries to be something like Brotherhood to Unity’s ideas. Tries is the key word here, though.

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Disapprove: Assassin’s Creed Chronicles

Hey, it’s time to check those Assassin’s Creed games I’ve missed again. I don’t know why I even care about the series anymore, with Ubisoft’s lack of understanding of international digital distribution (I still have to invent ways to play the game in English, since all they sell here is in Russian with no choice), lack of understanding what the series are even about and constant boring design decisions. But I still do. So, I decided to check the 3 2.5D stealth action platformer titles called Assassin’s Creed Chronicles – China, India and Russia. All of them were designed by Climax Studios (who have very few good games on their very long profile) and made in Unreal Engine, which already makes them different from the “normal” Assassin’s Creed game. They are also linear and not open world. And they were all released and probably designed years after the fantastic Mark of the Ninja got released. So, I was hoping, that these games will be an interesting take on the rather stale franchise. Oh boy was I wrong…

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Disapprove: The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut

Almost 5 years ago a completely unexpected action RPG came out. The genre was back on the rise after the success of Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2, but people wanted to see it evolve even more. Add more little weird touches, more curious takes on the same basic mechanics and gameplay loop. Darksiders 2, an action adventure at core, had lots of action RPG elements to it and Borderlands were a huge success at mixing FPS and action RPG. So there was The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, from rather unknown NeocoreGames, who had previously released rather mediocre series King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame. And the game was surprisingly fun. I mean, it wasn’t stellar, it didn’t revolutionize the genre or anything, but there were small touches that made the game work a bit closer to how a story driven action RPG would, like The Witcher, yet it remained at its core a pure monster killing loot gathering aRPG in all its simplicity.

But it was meant to be the first of 3 games. And the games that followed… well… Let’s just say, I’m not exactly sure the Final Cut of the series, that mixes all 3 games into one, is the cut I would’ve went with.

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