Happy about: Ib

While there is a numerous amount of horror themed adventure games made on RPG Maker, I’ve never been fond of them usually. There have been some good examples here and there, but more often than not these games leaned too hard either in pure tasteless jumpscare territory or were simply too poorly written, relying on shock value or extreme themes. Due to that, I had no knowledge of Ib when it became an extremely popular free game back in the early 2010s and would have not paid attention to this 2022 updated (and no longer free) remake, if not for catching a few streams and videos on it. I am glad, however, that other people promoted this little gem and that I got to experience it for myself.

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Happy about: Lunacid

Until Demon’s Souls came out, I haven’t even heard of King’s Field or Shadow Tower games. And in almost 14 years since I have not found time or desire to finally play them. But, I suppose, now I kinda have played them, as Lunacid seems to be a love letter to the titles, draped in the lo-fi aesthetics and cosmic horror references. And I have quite enjoyed it.

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Thoughts on: You Will Die Here Tonight

It always pains me to see games like You Will Die Here Tonight. Games that aim to do true classic survival horror with some new ideas but fail miserably. Though, at least in the case of You Will Die Here Tonight the end result is still quite serviceable and with some updates and fixes might become slightly better. Though it won’t fix any of the issues that are making this project deeply flawed on a fundamental level. And my experience with the game went from mild curiosity to genuine, though sometimes annoyed, engagement. Only to plummet into frustration as I stopped playing it right during the final sequence of the game and refuse to attempt it again, as it’s horrendously designed.

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Happy about: RoboCop: Rogue City

Several years ago I’ve played Terminator: Resistance, which was a really neat mid-budget title from Teyon that managed to feel more fun in many ways than the big budget titles it borrowed ideas from. Additionally, it was also neat to see the studio try to capture the mood of the first two movies and find a way to make a game that made sense in the universe. Well, this time they are doing exactly the same thing with RoboCop. And while I don’t think it works as well as it did for Terminator, it’s still a very enjoyable simple game.

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Quick thoughts on: SteamWorld Build

As someone who’s usually not playing strategy games of any kind, including city builder games, I wasn’t initially planning to check SteamWorld Build. Even though I do find the universe of SteamWorld adorable, I’ve never cared about any of the titles apart from the fantastic metroidvanias of SteamWorld Dig and its even better sequel. But the demo of the game got me hooked – it felt like a perfect “introduction to the genre” kind of game. As it happens, it’s not really perfect anything, but it’s kinda nice anyway.

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In love with: The Talos Principle 2

About 9 years ago Croteam surprised everyone by releasing a puzzle adventure with genuinely well written plot, instead of a mindless shooter where you kill dozens of enemies per minute. I loved the game, but by the end of the main game playthrough I got a bit tired with it and did complete the Road to Gehenna DLC. So while I was really interested in seeing Croteam revisit this idea again, I also wasn’t sure how one could make a sequel.

As it turned out, they knew exactly how to do it and it goes beyond my most optimistic expectations.

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Disapprove: Diablo IV

What’s really unpleasant with the sunk-cost fallacy is when you know you’re engaging in it but is too stupid and stubborn to stop. Anyway, Diablo IV is the most miserable time I’ve had with any action RPG in my life and I’ve still wasted 55 hours on it. I really should’ve refunded it in the first hour, but… I mean, it’s “Diablo” and I have positive things to say even about the third game, as it can be very enjoyable if shallow. But this… oh boy, this was horrible.

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Revisiting Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Despite claiming that I won’t revisit Diablo III after reviewing Diablo II: Resurrected earlier this year, I did. I’m planning to play the fourth entry in the franchise, so I’ve decided that I might as well play them all. And yes, “all”, Blizzard, I don’t play games on my phone so no other entries exist. Truth of the matter is, I don’t have much to add to what I’ve said back when I first played the game in 2015, so I’ll simply focus on the most important points of what was already written, and add a few details on what I didn’t mention at the time. With the overall impression being the same – despite the hate it got, it’s not a bad game.

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Ugly duckling: Alone in the Dark (2008)

Alone in the Dark from 2008 (also known as Alone in the Dark: Inferno on PS3) might be the last truly ambitious game of the last 20 years. That’s one hell of a statement to make, but I have good reasons to say it – what this game attempted to create is on a level that has not been attempted since. Possibly because the game didn’t turn out great and wasn’t positively received. I loved it back in 2008 even now for how frustrating a lot of the game is, I cannot help but love the effort and potential. While at the same time knowing well, that I can’t really recommend playing this game to the majority of people.

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Happy about: Ion Fury: Aftershock

Four years ago Ion Fury became the first new commercial product in about 20 years to utilize the Build engine, best known for being used in Duke Nukem 3D, Blood and Shadow Warrior. The experience of playing the game was kinda neat, but also slightly confusing as while it was truly a classic FPS down to its engine, it also felt like a somewhat pointless exercise that didn’t really enhance the experience. Though the biggest issues of the title, as I’ve felt, were somewhat uninspired enemies and weapons and its extremely long length without as much variety in terms of levels. Aftershock is a new expansion for the game that addresses some of those flaws and leads to a result that, in my opinion, is superior to the main game itself.

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