Happy about: Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth

Despite playing and reviewing adventure games from the German development studio Daedalic Entertainment for quite a few years now, I’ve been mostly acquainted with their comedic titles. So a story driven point and click adventure game based on a historical novel wasn’t something I expected much from. Especially since I’ve not read, or even heard of, the said novel or the seemingly well received TV miniseries based on it before playing the game. Well, I was very pleasantly surprised.

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Happy about: Tyranny (with DLCs)

Obsidian Entertainment are known for making amazing story-driven RPG games and rarely disappointing. It’s been just 3 years since their amazingly successful Kickstarter project Pillars of Eternity was released and rather unexpectedly, while the expansions for the game have been in development and sequel was mentioned as being in pre-production, a completely new game was announced. Though, the reasons for why Tyranny came “out of nowhere” are rather simple – the concept for a game like this was developed in the studio since mid-00s and the finished product was just one of many iterations of the idea, finally given life. Yet, this seemingly quick development cycle of the finished game left a mark.

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Few words on: Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

What I love most is when a genre is revived by people who really truly understand it. The developers of Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun clearly understood why the classic tactics stealth games like Commandos worked. It has always been a very niche small genre, seemingly influenced by both real time tactics classics like Myth series and by the stealth titles like Metal Gear, and it hasn’t seen any truly worthy successors for years. Even later Commandos games and the similar Desperados games usually never got the same love and praise the original titles did and some (citation needed) might even claim those games to “not get it” as well. But Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun? Now this game gets it. And I suck at it pretty badly, as expected.

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Couple of thoughts on: Path of Exile (as a solo game)

Path of Exile, a free 2 play action RPG game, has been released back in 2013. Well, the first part of it was. You see, it’s an always-online game, fully free to play with all microtransactions being essentially solely cosmetic, that had several rather big changes since that 2013 release. For example, back then it had 3 story Acts. Now it has 10 (and that’s supposed to be the end of the main story). It also has “leagues” – special events, that require a newly created character that last a finite amount of time and do not repeat. Yet, at it’s core, it’s still a “Diablo-like game” that can be enjoyed very much singleplayer. As long as you are connected to the internet, that is.

I also haven’t finished it, but played 15 hours of it and wanted to share my thoughts on it.

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Happy about: Tacoma (and 2 free games)

I like a good story exploration/ambiance exploration game. Good is always subjective, of course, so my preferences not always were similar to what I heard from others. I like Dear Esther, for example, even prefer it to Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture but was mostly really bored in Gone Home. So I wasn’t really that excited for Tacoma when I first heard of it. Damn, am I glad I decided to check it out, though.

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Happy about: Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition (and a few words on Nex Machina)

It’s been a while since Bulletstorm has been released and yet, no other game since then has tried to successfully combine the best elements of style action titles like Devil May Cry, classic FPS games and modern scripted FPS games in one nice package. The only title which tried to go for at least something similar in speed, but not in tone or stylish action, was the pretty good DOOM (2016). Although, it does feel like the FPS games in general are trying to recapture the speed and simple joys of the earlier days of the genre recently, so maybe things aren’t that bad and we’ll get more fun titles. But for now, we can also finally replay Bulletstorm on PC without the goddamn GFWL in the updated Full Clip Edition. And that’s, mostly, good.

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O tempora: Command & Conquer series, as a story

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

People who read me for a while now know that I tend to preface my strategy game post with clearly outlining that I absolutely irredeemably suck at those. Yet, there are several franchises that I love, even if I play on easiest difficulties or outright cheat while playing them, just for the sake of their stories, their worlds, the music the style and everything that isn’t gameplay I just fail to be interested in. And for a while I planned to revisit one of the most influential and creative franchises that are no longer with us, because EA. Anyway, I just wanted to take a look at how the series evolved in style and story, with few mentions of gameplay, through its 3 separate sub-series with One Vision, One Purpose.

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Happy about: Vaporum

You know, there was a time when “dungeon crawl” felt like something bad and boring for me. Probably more due to disposable boring dungeon quests in RPGs, bad Diablo clones and grindy Japanese action RPGs. I actually didn’t play a lot of classic dungeon crawlers, like Ultima Underworld or even newer titles influenced by it like Arx Fatalis and didn’t get to understand the good bits of this subgenre of action RPGs until Legend of Grimrock 5 years ago. But since Grimrock, I was highly interested. And there haven’t been that many good follow ups to that game, apart from its fantastic sequel. Games usually focus too much on combat, or too much on puzzles, or too much on something else, never really feeling as balanced and as engrossing as Legend of Grimrock games were. Vaporum is one of the better examples so far.

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Thoughts on: The Sexy Brutale and Epistory – Typing Chronicles

Sometimes it feels like the best gaming ideas are never getting re-explored despite being amazing. Sometimes some game developer thinks the same and re-explores a cool game idea. The Sexy Brutale and Epistory – Typing Chronicles are perfect examples of games that we should have more of.

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Happy about: The Turing Test, Event[0] and Valley

Had a chance to play 3 first person adventure titles, all with different “adventuring” approach. Two of which dealt with questions of AI and morality and I wanted to end there, but then I also played Valley and couldn’t bring myself to play more of The Solus Project, due to all the “survival” elements in it, which I tend to not like. So, 3 is a pretty good number.

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