Happy about: OneShot: World Machine Edition

OneShot has been originally released about 10 years ago as a freeware game made with RPG Maker 2003. It continued the wave of the games that were designed to provide experience inside and outside of the game window, like creating new files on player computer and changing the wallpaper, like it was already done in other well known titles like IMSCARED. And its biggest gimmick was in the title – you only had one shot at finishing the game. If you did something incorrectly, the game would become permanently unwinnable and you also could not replay the game from the start once you’ve finished it. Well… in theory – in reality you could make it work again, but the concept was still bold and the tone of the game was hopeful, but bleak and horror themed.

Then two years later a commercial version of the game was released, that started moving away from the whole “One shot at it” concept, but had even more crazy fourth wall breaking shenanigans and a bigger game world with more characters. Another year later, a “true ending” path was added as a big update to said version that I personally had a lot of problems with back when I reviewed the game. Fast forward to 2022, World Machine Edition got released on consoles, recreating all of the fourth wall breaking experiences within a virtual Operating System and adding some additional details and switching a lot of the backend elements of the title. And now, in 2024, this version has arrived to PCs.

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O tempora: Broken Sword – Shadow of the Templars: Reforged

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

Guess, it was about time to replay Broken Sword – Shadow of the Templars anyway… A classic from 1996, the original Broken Sword has often been considered one of the best point and click adventure titles. You had one good way of experiencing it (original release played via ScummVM) and one average way (Director’s Cut from 2010). But now there’s a perfect way of enjoying this title, with the new Reforged remastered release.

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Happy about: Ace Attorney Investigations Collection

I have a strange relationship with the Ace Attorney series. On one hand, I do admire the original game and the rest of the two titles in the original trilogy have lots of wonderful moments as well. On the other – I’m not a fan of the ratio between adventuring and visual novel storytelling they ever had, very heavily leaning into walls of text and sacrificing gameplay logic over plot twists. That’s the main reason why I stopped playing a couple of hours into The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles as it bored me to tears and I’ve never bothered with the second trilogy either. Which is why I wasn’t sure if I should give Ace Attorney Investigations Collection a go. But after playing the demo and discovering to my relief that this game, as the name implies, is far more into investigative adventuring than the other titles, I gave it a go. And I’m glad I did, as Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is easily the most enjoyable entry in the series I’ve played. And it will probably be the last one I ever finish.

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O tempora: Castlevania Dominus Collection

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

I’m glad that Konami keep releasing games and collections from the time when they developed good games and were respected. Three years ago they released the really cool Castlevania Advance Collection that collected all “IGAvanias” (Castlevania titles with “metroidvania” world design, usually produced by Koji Igarashi) released for the Game Boy Advance. That collection was full of absolute bangers, though it was a bit of a shame that the games were just emulated originals, with all of their faults and bugs intact. But at least it was preserving the classics.

Now its time for the titles, originally released for Nintendo DS, with a cool bonus game added in. Surprisingly, revisiting these games was somewhat less enjoyable overall.

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Thoughts on: Silent Hill 2 (2024)

I still find it odd that Silent Hill 2 got remade. Original game was such a surprise to those who played the first game, but that one did not get a remake and is still exclusive to PlayStation 1. When I revisited both Silent Hill and Silent Hill 2 last year it felt “right” to play them in sequence, despite no direct story connection between the games. But that is far from the only reason I wasn’t exactly sure about what to expect from this new game. The franchise has been dead for over a decade and apart from few bright spots here and there, Silent Hill began losing relevance with SH4, 20 years ago. Was there even a point in reviving the franchise not just with a remake, instead of a new game, but also a remake of one of the most praised games in history?..

Well, whatever the case, Silent Hill 2 (2024) is here now. And it’s… alright, actually. I can see lots of people loving this game much more than the original. But only time will tell, if the remake will have the same “timeless” appeal. I have my doubts.

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O tempora: Doom + Doom II

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

Well, it finally happened. I’ve finally played both classic Doom titles start to finish and even all of its official expansions. It might sound weird to some, given how huge and important Doom has been for the development of FPS and game industry as a whole, but it just so happened that I was never much of an id Software games player. Even though Spear of Destiny was my first introduction to this type of games, I just never really played through any of their titles start to finish until decades later. Which includes the classic Doom games – I have played and finished the original Doom (that is, the first three episodes) a very long time ago, but I’ve never played any other title in its entirety apart from the Playstation version of the Final Doom, which was my only point of contact with the Doom II expansions. And yes, I did get it back in the day, because I thought it was the “final definitive version of Doom”, not realizing that it’s a completely different game…

But now Doom and Doom II have been officially re-released on all modern platforms in a remastered package by NightDive, with all of the official, and even some previously unofficial, releases combined into one game. And I’ve decided that it was finally time to give it a proper go.

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Thoughts on: Hebereke Enjoy Edition and Gimmick! Special Edition

A lot of people have nostalgy for games from Sunsoft and I can see why. However, for me it was never the case. I did play Blaster Master and perhaps Batman on NES a bit as a kid, but the only game of theirs I’ve played a lot was their PS1 Hard Edge/T.R.A.G. (which I do love). So, seeing the company return to making games recently and re-releasing their old classics on their own or through other companies wasn’t a big deal to me. I was curious, however, since some of their games are considered cult classics.

Two of such titles were re-released over the past two years in the new format that emulates the original NES game, but with cool quality of life editions and bonuses. These are Hebereke Enjoy Edition (known as Ufouria: The Saga in the European and Australasian release on NES) and Gimmick! Special Edition (also known as Mr. Gimmick in Scandinavian NES release). Which I was glad to finally play, because I don’t ever want to play them again.

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In love with: Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess is not a game that I could call revolutionary or innovative. It is a very curious mix of hack and slash action game with a tower defense strategy and I haven’t seen it done quite like this before. But definitely not revolutionary. And yet, I can’t help but love this project and wish to see more huge development companies and corporations learn from it. No, not from the mix of genres, but rather from the approach this game takes. You see – this is very much a “AA game”, made by “AAA” standards, which is something you used to see all of the time back in the late 90s-early 00s, but which doesn’t really happen anymore. And playing this game reminded me of how much are we all missing out with the current gaming market trends.

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In love with: Withering Rooms

Withering Rooms is the kind of game you don’t get every day. Back when the title was still in Early Access, one of the ways the developer described this game was somewhere along the lines of “If Clock Tower was an action RPG”. Which… fits and, even more surprisingly, works incredibly well. This game is so strange, yet so fascinating and inventive. Its influences are recognizable, yet its mood is immaculate… And while I didn’t enjoy every second of the game and do find faults with some of its aspects, it was also one of the most inspiring gaming experiences I’ve had in quite a while.

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