Occasionally I find myself in a situation when an insanely popular game or a franchise in a genre that I tend to like a lot, something that seems to be loved by most who like similar games, is just not working for me. Gears of War has been such a franchise – despite always having a soft spot for third person action titles, with or without adventure or platforming elements, I never cared about it. I did finish the original, on PC, I did try playing 2 and 3 on a friend’s 360 (personally never owned any Xbox consoles and don’t plan to) and got bored pretty quickly. Games had a certain feel to them, their flair of cinematic was really good and some of the ideas in them were absolutely brilliant, but I had no desire to play them.
I suppose, after so many years of not playing this type of TPS, as they going out of fashion at the start of this decade, and perhaps partially because I enjoyed replaying Mass Effect titles a year ago, I found myself wanting to play Gears 5 (they dropped the “of War” part with this one). And so I have, as usual completely ignoring multiplayer, horde mode and all the rest of the online components, though, unfortunately, coop as well. And overall, my experience with the story campaign of Gears 5, played solo, was quite surprising. Not amazing, but surprising and very much not bad.
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