I’ve tried playing NieR (Gestalt) when it first came out years ago, but just like it happened with Drakengard even earlier, I got bored with the game. So it wasn’t until slightly later that I’ve learned about how inventive the storytelling in NieR becomes, how the game twists your perceptions with the second playthrough and just how intentional a lot of the boredom I’ve felt was. Years later, NieR: Automata came out and was absolutely fantastic, doing a lot of the same concepts, but in a much more fun way. And given its success, I expected that it was only a matter of time NieR will get a modern re-release. NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… turned out to be much more than a simple re-release.
Tag: game review
Thoughts on: The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
With the first game in the Anthology out of the way, I was curious if Little Hope is going to be any better. I still liked the concept, after all, and the fact that every story can be completely separate was promising. Overall, I liked Little Hope far more. Yet, I feel, not everyone will feel the same.
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Happy about: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (Singleplayer)
Unlike the rest of the sub-series in Call of Duty, Black Ops entries have been the most creative in terms of gameplay over the past 10 years. Original Black Ops had some curious gameplay ideas to enhance the narrative, the sequel is probably still the most choice/consequence heavy entry in the franchise and even the third game had some curious ideas, including the fact that your player character was fully customizable. So after the pretty and curious, but rather uneventful Modern Warfare (2019), I expected the singleplayer of Black Ops Cold War to be more exciting. And even more stupid. It delivered on both.
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Disapprove: Need for Speed Payback (and few words on Heat)
After having a blast replaying Hot Pursuit (2010) in its Remastered version, I’ve decided to check what the series have actually been up to in the latest entries. First one up was Need for Speed Payback and I gotta say, the first impressions were very poor. Yet, I did get through the entire game, having played most of the events, so there is something good to it as well. Not much, but it’s not an entirely unfun experience.
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Quick thoughts on: The Shapeshifting Detective
What I usually want from an FMV adventure game is either fun quick paced “interactive movie” experience, where every choice I make leads to a new interesting possibility, or a solid adventure game where the FMV is just a visual style. The Shapeshifting Detective is neither.
Thoughts on: Yakuza 5 Remastered
Yakuza 5 is considered to be one of the best entries in the franchise. To me, it’s the least enjoyable one so far.
Thoughts on: The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
I’ve heard a lot of good things about the previous titles from Supermassive Games (which I haven’t played yet due to their PS4 exclusivity), yet all of the reviews I’ve seen of this Dark Pictures Anthology project were mediocre at best. So it took me a while before I decided to check them out, starting chronologically with the Man of Medan. And, well, it’s not terrible.
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Thoughts on: Critters for Sale
Though not many of them are being sold, there are countless of “weird games” out there. And quite of a few of them got really popular at least in certain circles. From Revenge of the Sunfish, to Space Funeral or Goblet Grotto they tend to get people intrigued, whenever they could be considered “good” or “bad”. They’re just fascinating and it’s interesting to ponder their existence if not always play. Critters for Sale is something like that. It’s not particularly fun to play, but it is certainly fascinating.
Happy about: Tormented Souls
Over the years I’ve seen so many attempts to make a survival horror game I stopped counting or caring. Mostly because vast majority of these titles, even back from the time the genre was still relevant, were crap. And as often because they weren’t actually “survival horror”, as in a genre and not a meaningless moniker given to any horror game. Tormented Souls didn’t look great, but I was willing to give it a chance. It turned out to be enjoyable.
Thoughts on: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Singleplayer)
Given how little I write about… well, given how rarely I actually play Call of Duty games, it’s easy to assume that I don’t like them. But I do. CoD 2, or 4: Modern Warfare were genuinely amazing dumb exciting military FPS titles and I’ve greatly enjoyed a few other entries in the series. All singleplayer, of course, I never cared much about this kind of multiplayer. But nonetheless, I don’t play them often not because I don’t want them to be good. But because I know that most of the time they are disappointing, and I don’t want to pay Activision Blizzard full price for disappointment (I actually would prefer to never pay them, but they do own some good franchises).
This time, I’ve decided to check on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare story campaign. The 2019 one, not the original or remastered. And it’s less disappointing than I’ve expected.
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