If it were late 90s-early 00s it would be impossible for me not to play and rant about NFS games. I’ve played them since the 3DO original, despite never being a huge fan of racing games. And up until Most Wanted in 2005, the only title I didn’t play the year of release was Hot Pursuit 2. After MW, however, there has been just one NFS game that I highly enjoyed and that game was Hot Pursuit (2010). After the “street racing” phase of the franchise, started in Underground, has grown stale, the new Hot Pursuit (not to be confused with the third game in the series from 98) suddenly revitalized the franchise by simply going back to its roots, while keeping all of the innovations from the 00s. It felt like a “best of” compilation of the series and even 10 years later (well almost 11 now) in this Remastered form it remains amazing. Despite the fact that not much has been “remastered”.
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