Happy about: Prodeus

The classic FPS revival continues. And by now the market is so saturated, it’s hard to care about most of these titles, especially since so many of them end up being mediocre. Prodeus was announced when people still paid attention, however, and after a Kickstarter campaign and several years in Early Access it’s finally out. And while it’s most certainly not mediocre, it is a very simple take on the genre. The one focused almost purely on fast paced action and style. Thankfully, it does it really well.

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O tempora: Red Faction and Red Faction II

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

It has been a very long time since I’ve played Red Faction last time. So much so that I’ve actually remembered the game being about twice longer than it actually is. Luckily, it isn’t and it still plays surprisingly well. With the help of a few mods, this title is still quite exciting. Unlike its sequel, but we’ll get to that.

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Happy about: Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

I tend to not care about open world titles that much as it’s exceedingly rare the whole “open world” bit isn’t there just for marketing reasons and to make the game pointlessly longer. And it tends to be that the best open world titles I play are great because they use the whole open world aspect as a backdrop to something that could, for all intents and purposes, have been done without the world being open. But there have been a few exceptions so far, where I enjoyed the open world game for the openness of the world. And my previous go to example used to be [Prototype]. Now that the 2018 PS4 exclusive Marvel’s Spider-Man (in its 2020 PS5 Remastered version) have been finally ported to PC, however, I think I have a new benchmark.

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O tempora: Chrono Trigger (the PC port)

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

Chrono Trigger doesn’t need an introduction. If you’ve ever been interested in jRPGs, you’ve heard of it. If you’re not interested in jRPGs, I’m sure you are aware of it anyway. It is often called to be one of the greatest videogames of all time and, in my opinion, that title is rightfully deserved. And while I will continue on talking about what makes the game so great, I’ll spoil it right away – absolutely worth playing, fantastic soundtrack, great characters, exciting story, 10 out of 10 would time travel again.

But there’s a catch. For whatever reason, ever since its original release in 1995 on SNES, it has never gotten a re-release that a game of this greatness truly deserves. And this current PC port, despite numerous updates that fixed most game breaking issues, remains a rather poor, yet somehow the only, way to get and play the game nowadays.

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Thoughts on: Immortality

7 years ago Her Story presented a very unique approach to an investigative adventure game, simulating the feeling of searching through the video archives of disjointed video clips and trying to piece together a more or less cohesive story out of it. A few years later, Sam Barlow followed the idea up with Telling Lies, a game that was criticized for having the same gameplay premise, but far longer video clips and more obtuse interface to turn the otherwise rather simple experience into a frustrating one. I haven’t played it myself, due to this criticism, but nonetheless was curious about what will come next. Immortality is yet another follow up to the idea first explored in Her Story, but this time the interface and the gameplay have been made less complex. Perhaps too much.

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In love with: Axiom Verge 2

Seven years ago Axiom Verge got released and while I had a fair share of criticisms towards it, it really was a fantastic metroidvania. Without being too novel, it had several extremely clever additions to the formula of the genre and apart from that was a solid game with unforgettable soundtrack and cool visual style. A year ago Axiom Verge 2 got released on several platforms and had far less excited reviews overall, most emphasizing the change in focus of the game from action to exploration. Which excited me, because I love exploration in metroidvania games and the combat in the first title was my least favorite thing about it. Now that I’ve finally had a chance to play the sequel myself, I have to say that I love it even more than the original. Yet, I can see how it’s not going to be for everyone.

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Ugly duckling: Stranglehold

Now this is a curious one. By 2007 “bullet time” was no longer a hot new thing, in fact the last official The Matrix game was already 2 years old, while The Matrix Online was just 2 years away from closing. John Woo has also been long past his prime and Hard Boiled, the original movie the game is a sequel to, was from 1992. Heroic bloodshed and gun fu/gun kata were no longer popular either. So why is it exactly Stranglehold came to be is a bit of a mystery. But if nothing else, this title was ambitious and it does impress in many ways.

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Happy about: The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story

Yeah, it seems like FMV games are back in full force. From titles that play more like Visual Novels, to adventure games and even attempts at stealth, there’ve been plenty of very different approaches to trying to mix live action segments with gameplay. And overall, the results are so much better than what we had during the boom of FMV games in the early to mid 90s. The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story, an FMV game from (surprisingly) Square Enix, is trying to mix the live action with a detective game and the results are pretty great, if uneven.

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Revisiting Resident Evil 4

I have a complicated history with Resident Evil 4. For a lot of people it was an instant hit, for me it was a frustrating experience. I didn’t “get” the appeal of the game for several years and only after several attempts, and because of the fact that the game influenced so many others, which gave me necessary experience to understand what it as going for, I started enjoying it. I still have plenty of criticism towards it, mind you, but nowadays replaying RE4 is an enjoyable experience for me. And I’ve replayed it many times over many different platforms, including this 2014 “Ultimate HD Edition”, which remains the best version of the game to play.

In fact, the main reason for my revisit this time was the fact that the version got even better due to fan work – I wanted to finally experience out the fantastic RE4HD mod, that more than lived up to my expectations. And in addition to that, wanted to have some fun with the recently released randomizer mod that adds some fun chaos to the overall experience. As I was about to play, the RE4 Remake got officially announced as well, so I decided that it might be the best time to revisit the original. And even in 2022 it’s still an extremely fun game… that really hates you.

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