Happy about: PowerWash Simulator and Chop Goblins

Happy about: PowerWash Simulator and Chop Goblins

Occasionally, it’s nice to play a simple game to relax. And I’ve got two different ones for you to check out. A quick tiny FPS from David Szymanski Chop Goblins and one of those simulator titles that aren’t really serious, but aren’t just a shitpost either – PowerWash Simulator. They’re different, relaxing in their own way and fun.

PowerWash Simulator, Chop Goblins, review, огляд PowerWash Simulator, Chop Goblins, review, огляд PowerWash Simulator, Chop Goblins, review, огляд

PowerWash Simulator is taking itself seriously enough to try and actually feel like a simulator of an activity, but not seriously enough to have any kind of challenge or punishment if you do things wrong. It’s a very simple game where you spend time in different levels cleaning objects with high-pressure water at your own pace. There are upgrades and unlocks and such, which are almost redundant, as the game is paced almost precisely to give you enough to unlock new more efficient stuff exactly when you would really benefit from that new and efficient stuff, but it’s still neat.

There’s no music and some levels can get tedious due to their size (last level is just a chore, for example) and if you try to be “more efficient” and do the rapid wrist movement to clean more area faster your hand will get tired very quickly. But in general it’s a fun little thing to relax and unwind to. Just don’t try to take it seriously and do things very quickly. It’s a slow game by design so if you don’t like that, it’s probably not for you at all.

PowerWash Simulator, Chop Goblins, review, огляд PowerWash Simulator, Chop Goblins, review, огляд PowerWash Simulator, Chop Goblins, review, огляд

And now for the complete opposite. Chop Goblins is an incredibly simple and dumb FPS which is very very fast paced. There are no saves, so if you quit you have to play from the start of the game or a level (but there are checkpoints for dying). You can’t jump, which is odd in 2022, but I suppose it’s going for the classic Doom feel. The music and enemy design is silly and fun. And there’s also Dracula.

It’s neat how the game constantly switches the style and when it switches for horror it actually does it really well, which you don’t expect. So, it’s not some amazing new classic FPS title you should rush and buy, but it’s very fun to relax to by just strafing around and shooting goblins.

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