Happy about: Dear Esther. Landmark Edition

By now, there’s not much to add on Dear Esther, really. Cleverly named “Landmark edition” already casually mentions how important the original mod and 2012 commercial release were in showing that games can be all about story and still find an audience. The main goal of this particular re-release, really, was to just make sure bigger audience can experience the game, since the original Source remake couldn’t work on consoles and additionally locked the developers into specific legal restrictions. So let’s quickly check what’s been changed.

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Disapprove: Rise of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider used to be one of the biggest most important, most influential franchises. Then it started becoming stale, although, to be fair, with strong, refined games like The Last Revelations. So it got updated. Unsuccessfully. I feel like the fear of creating another Angel of Darkness still clings to the series with every next part that tries to change things. Maybe that’s why Rise of the Tomb Raider tried to avoid the change at all costs?

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In love with: Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

Anyone who’s known me for a while knows that Resident Evil is one of my absolute favorite game series. I’ve played most of the games that were ever released, excluding some rare terrible ones, like Game.com version of RE2, or a mobile port of RE4. And I like the vast majority of them, even if they’re not very good games. That said, I’m also always the harshest critic, wishing these games to be the very best they can be. And lately the series weren’t feeling all that well, with me liking a lot of parts of Resident Evil 6 despite the fact that it’s a pretty bad game, or wanting to love Revelations sub-series, even when they made one mistake after another.

Yet, Capcom released Remasters of 2 Gamecube classics and were promising to truly review their stance on what the next main entry in the series would be. With each new interview, each video, playable teaser-demo I was becoming more and more hopeful that Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (or, in Japan, Biohazard 7: Resident Evil) will be great. A true return to form and yet some new direction for the series. Were my hopes in vain?

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Disapprove: Quantum Break

Remedy Entertainment are well known for their cinematic action titles. But ever since Max Payne was released almost 16 years ago, they could never really recapture the fantastic balance between the amazing cinematic storytelling and fun gameplay that went so well in their classic. Max Payne 2 felt a bit too boring to play, Alan Wake was really boring to play with it’s spin-off semi-sequel being slightly more fun. So, where does this leave Quantum Break?

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Возвращаясь в Batman: Arkham Knight с DLC

Прошло полтора года с выхода Batman: Бэтмобиль Приключение. Было много позитивных и смешанных отзывов, огромный скандал с ПК портом, который вышел настолько поломанным, что его сняли с продажи до выхода нормального патча. Было отвратительное отношение со стороны Warner Brothers. Было много отдельных DLC, которые люди, судя по всему, в основном проигнорировали либо потому, что устали от основной игры, либо потому что попросили возврат денег с игры на ПК. Но не я. Хоть игра мне не так сильно понравилась. И вот я недавно приобрёл Season Pass и решил снова поиграть в неё на ПК, допройти непройденное в основной игре и пройти DLC. Поменялось ли моё мнение? Немного. Только чуть-чуть.

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Revisiting Batman: Arkham Knight with DLCs

It’s been a year and a half since Batman: The Batmobile Adventure was released. A lot of positive and mixed reviews, a huge controversy around the PC port that was so broken that it was taken off Steam until more or less fixed. A lot of horrible attitude from Warner Brothers. A lot of separate DLCs most people might’ve ignored, because they were either tired with the main game, or refunded it on PC. I didn’t, though. Despite not liking the game much. And recently bought the Season Pass and decided to check the game again, complete the DLCs and finish up all the things in the main game on PC. Did my opinion change? A bit. Just a bit.

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Мысли про: ADR1FT и ZOMBI

Я недавно прошел много игр, но среди них есть две, о которых поговорить хочется, но не настолько, чтобы посвящать каждой отдельный пост. Я говорю про ADR1FT и ZOMBI (также известную как ZOMBIU).

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