O tempora: Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

Among the “classic BioWare titles” the one that I always liked the least was Neverwinter Nights without expansions. It actually happened to be the first “realtime with pause” cRPG that I got to play on my own PC, with me getting the other classics a few months afterwards, after I dropped the first attempted playthrough because I got bored. It was only after thoroughly enjoying the Baldur’s Gate games that I’ve decided to give NWN a chance and in the end did get some enjoyment out of it. The two expansions that followed, Shadows of Undrentide and especially Hordes of the Underdark, were far more enjoyable, yet I couldn’t help but feel that NWN core mechanics and controls were simply less interesting then what BioWare did with Infinity Engine and would do with KOTOR and later titles. So, the last time I’ve actually properly tried replaying NWN was in 2006, if my save files are to be believed. And even then, I didn’t get to the end, getting bored again.

This replay, using the Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition in its latest (as of my writing this, the game is constantly updated) version, fared a bit better. Though, my opinion on the original game hasn’t changed much.

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O tempora: Dead Space

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

I have quite a few games I love to replay. It doesn’t happen as often as it used to, simply because nowadays we get more games that could be potentially interesting, but I can still sometimes get back to something reliable, something that will be a joy to replay. Usually, games like this simply don’t get old with replays. In some cases, I learn to appreciate them a bit more each time I replay, notice new details. And among games like these Dead Space is a bit of an oddity. I replayed it few times before, and I like doing that. But at the same time, it was never my “go to” game for replays either. Yet, every single time I replay it, my respect for it grows far more than with any other game I replay. And this time was no different. It’s like Dead Space is aging backwards and gets better with each year.

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O tempora: Halo 2: Anniversary (MCC)

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

I found Halo to be respectable for when it was released, but ultimately tedious and frustrating as a single player FPS by today’s expectations. Its story was primitive, characters flat, levels a horrible copy-paste and even though its music was still memorable and the size and open nature of the levels (and the use of vehicles) was still impressive, it just wasn’t an enjoyable game to play. From my Halo 2 Vista memories, I knew that the sequel was a very different game, so I was hoping that it, in the new Anniversary version under Master Chief Collection, will be much more fun. And in many ways it is. But it has its flaws.

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O tempora: Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (MCC)

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

I never played Halo on the “intended platform”. Never owned an Xbox, don’t plan to unless Series X impresses me with something exclusive and unique and even when I was borrowing one of the 360 from a friend of mine, I never ever played Halo on it. Yet, I did play Halo: Combat Evolved. The PC port done by Gearbox Software in 2003 which had some improvements and unique features, but also several bizarre downgrades. And back when I played it, I didn’t like it much. I did, however, feel that it was still a curious game to look at.

With the Master Chief Collection available and slowly updated with supported titles on PC, however, the Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary brings the newest remaster of the original game to PCs. And, being curious about the series for a long time, I’ve decided to give it a go and play the games in the order they were released. As usual for me, I don’t plan to play the multiplayer or even the coop in these games, which is an important point to stress since Halo has always been most loved specifically for those modes. Yet, I feel that even with coop, I wouldn’t have enjoyed this revisit of the original Halo. Because by 2020 its campaign is genuinely unpleasant to go through.

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O tempora: Penumbra series

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

The influence of Penumbra series is often understated. Overshadowed by the success of the next projects by Frictional Games. The original Penumbra tech demo from 2006 wasn’t the first horror themed title to be in first person. Neither it was the first to emphasize stealth and puzzle solving over action elements. It might’ve not even been the first to work like a first person adventure game with physically interactive objects, since Trespasser (based on Jurassic Park) exists. Yet, in many ways, this changed how first person perspective horror themed games would work from there on.

And I had very fond memories of the games, apart from respect. Returning to them was a bit scary. And the fears turned out to be justified.

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In love with: Doom 64

I’ve never played Doom 64 before and despite hearing that it was not just a port of the original Doom or it’s sequels or expansions, I never really cared to play it either. Partially because I was never as big into id software FPS titles. Partially because, well, it’s Doom again, even if the levels are new, right? And that’s where I was somewhat wrong as Doom 64 feels different. So I’m really glad that it got officially ported to newer systems and PC.

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O tempora: Half-Life, Opposing Force, Blue Shift

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve played a Half-Life game… They were never really as important to me as they were for so many people. I did enjoy them all, I played quite a few mods, tried making mods myself (never got far), revisited them a couple of times and still have a lot of respect for what all of them were going for and how they innovated and influenced gaming in general. But I’m not really specifically a fan of the series, more of the admirer.

I planned this revisit since the fan-made remake Black Mesa is nearing its completion, and after finishing the original decided to revisit both of the game’s PC expansions developed by Gearbox Software (the third official expansion Decay remains officially console only, though there is a mod I decided not to play). With all of this done, I feel like my overall opinion on the game hasn’t changed much.

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Thoughts on: Onimusha: Warlords

While I’ve seen and heard a lot about the Onimusha series, up until now the only game in it that I’ve had a chance to play and complete was the third entry. Despite playing the rather poor PC port of it, I liked the game a lot, yet it took me this long to finally play the original, now in its remastered form with some slight (and couple major) changes. And it’s really cool. Though, more dated than I expected it to be.

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In love with: Katamari Damacy REROLL

Na naaaa nanana nana nanaa… 

Katamari Damacy is one of those wonderful joyful toy-like experiences for all ages that don’t appear as often as I’d personally love to see. And my only huge complaint with this remaster would probably only boil down to – why not pack it with We ♥ Katamari for even more bizarre and fun ball rolling goodness?

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O tempora: Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

When I started this revisit of Infinity Engine titles I was intentionally going out of order of release. I started with the IWD series, which I never particularly cared about and then went with Baldur’s Gate games which I like a lot, but I was saving my favorite for the last. I was slightly nervous, since it has been a while since I’ve replayed Planescape: Torment. And since when I played Torment: Tides of Numenera last year I compared it quite unfavorably to its biggest inspiration. What if my memories were a bit too rosy and the game didn’t age as well as I expected?

Nah, it’s still fantastic, Enhanced Edition or not.

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