Disapprove: Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy

Trine series are a weird beast. The original wasn’t good, but had a lot of really cool ideas. All of which got majorly improved in the sequel, which was the first genuinely enjoyable title in the series. Then Trine 3 was released in Early Access and remained unfinished, mixing lots of very bad ideas with some of the genuinely best ideas in the franchise. And then Trine 4 came along and was mostly a straight up improvement again returning to the formula of 2, but making it more fun and adding fresh ideas. First hours with Trine 5 felt like I was playing 4 again, but with some tweaks and changes. It was charming, as always, and quite fun to play. But the more I played, the less fun the game got. And almost at the end of the game I gave up fed up with horrible design.

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O tempora: Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

Now that the original trilogy is out of the way, I can talk about the Alone in the Dark game I’ve played the most – Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare. The first and so far only reboot of the storyline. You see, for all the convoluted storylines, the original trilogy and the 2008 game are actually part of the same timeline. Even the horrible and rightfully forgotten spin-off Illumination was technically part of the same world. But with The New Nightmare the series attempted a fresh start headed by Darkworks, whom I recently talked about when revisiting Cold Fear. And it did many things right and a few things very wrong.

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Thoughts on: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes – Definitive Edition

While I have never played the original Nintendo DS version of Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes from 2009, I have played and greatly enjoyed the “HD” version of the game released in 2011 on PC, PSN and XBLA. It was a unique and highly enjoyable attempt to mix the turn-based strategy of the Heroes of Might & Magic games with very simple match 3 gameplay reminiscent of Puzzle Quest. It had frustrating aspects to it, of course, but I remember liking it a lot 12 years ago. And I have been considering revisiting the title for a while, but those plans had to be put on hold because I didn’t want to deal with the technical issues. Sadly, the original PC release became quite problematic to run in recent years and on top of that fans of the multiplayer aspect of the game (which I have never been interested in and have not played) were disappointed when a few years ago Ubisoft disabled the online functionality entirely.

The announcement of Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes – Definitive Edition was a very pleasant surprise and I dove into it as soon as I had time. Unfortunately, I have to say that the game hasn’t aged as well as I have remembered and this new release does nothing to the biggest frustrations the original game had as well.

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O tempora: Alone in the Dark 1, 2, 3

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

It’s been a while since I’ve last played any Alone in the Dark game. I admired the original and genuinely liked the 2008 game despite all of its numerous flaws. My favorite one was the first reboot, Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare. But the original still had that “something” about it that I really liked. Not the sequels, however. But for the sake of revisiting every game, I decided against my better judgement to play all of the first three Alone in the Dark games, knowing well that I will not enjoy the two thirds of the journey.

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Happy about: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

My whole experience with Ratchet & Clank franchise began and originally ended with playing the first 4 games on PS2. The first game was nice, but deeply flawed in several ways. But starting with Going Commando, the first sequel, the series carved its niche. And Rift Apart is still following the basics that were established and improved in 2002-2003. Playing it now, finally available on PCs 2 years since its original release, makes me miss the fact that these types of games aren’t really popular anymore.

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Happy about: The Saboteur

There was once a game development studio called Pandemic Studios, who released a lot of projects that were either extremely critically and financially successful, like Star Wars: Battlefront and Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, or more polarizing, but still highly beloved like Full Spectrum Warrior or Destroy All Humans!. But then, after lots of delays, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames was launched to more mediocre reviews and there were reports that the game was released in a state deemed unfinished by the team. The Lord of the Rings: Conquest had even worse reviews and was relatively quickly forgotten. And the final game of the studio, The Saboteur, was launched after one of the development offices was already closed by EA and almost immediately after the game launch to relatively positive reviews, the whole studio was shut down.

Which came as a shock to me – I played The Saboteur when it was first released and considered it to be among the best and most enjoyable examples of sandbox-y open world games – games that I rarely enjoy. I remembered loving its sound design. How the parkour felt much better than what Assassin’s Creed did at the time (with only 2 first games launched). How its approach to stealth and sabotage felt like a perfect “simplified Hitman in open world”. But memories can often be incorrect, so for a while I wanted to revisit the game and give it a fresh look. Thankfully, it’s still available on GOG, and plays pretty well on modern hardware.

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Happy about: Resident Evil 4 – Separate Ways

While every Resident Evil release since the wonderful new RE2 has evoked varying degrees of disappointment, you never know if the next one will be exciting again. The remake of Resident Evil 4, released earlier this year, was quite good but also full of infuriatingly baffling decisions and most people were sure that Separate Ways mode won’t be added to it, if it wasn’t there on release. It was a remake, after all, and it made all the sense to include everything that was canonical to the original version, including the additional modes that the original game had. And even though Separate Ways were not part of the first release of Resident Evil 4, they were added since the PS2 version and were included in all of the newer releases.

Yet here we are, with the Separate Ways paid DLC that is released half a year after the main game. And to my surprise, I find it more entertaining than the main game itself.

Read more“Happy about: Resident Evil 4 – Separate Ways”

Happy about: The Making of Karateka

Even leading up to its release, I wasn’t sure what exactly The Making of Karateka would turn out to be. A collection of games? A documentary with interviews? Some remasters or reinterpretations of the original titles? All of it, turns out. And it’s a fascinating compilation that, in a way, was possible due to how impactful and important Karateka was and because Jordan Mechner, its creator, detailed his experiences in a diary that was published as a book years ago.

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Revisiting Split/Second

There used to be a time I regularly played fun arcadey racing titles. But then two things happened. First – racing titles started to pursue the open world concept that made all of them move farther from the simplicity and joy of just selecting a car, a track and going. Second – the popularity of more sim-like arcade racing games like Forza Horizon and Grid, games that I just can’t get into to this day. The nice thing is that the last two greats of the genre that I loved were among the best I’ve ever experienced – Split/Second and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, both released in 2010. The sad thing is – there hasn’t been a single racing game since 2010 (the remaster of Hot Pursuit notwithstanding) that I’ve genuinely enjoyed. Is Split/Second as amazing as I remember it being?

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In love with: Blasphemous 2

While initially I bounced off Blasphemous due to its focus on the “Dark Souls inspired challenge”, I did end up liking it a lot when playing the final version of the game a year ago. The title remained a bit too cryptic with some of its design and there still were some rude moments, but overall it was redesigned to be much more fun and welcoming. Its visual style and soundtrack were phenomenal as well.

I was very cautious about Blasphemous 2 as I couldn’t predict what direction a sequel could take. I could bounce off it even harder, after all, depending on what the focus of the game would be. In the end, I loved playing it. Yet I feel like some die hard fans of the original might get disappointed.

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