Remember me. Forget-me[-not]

I expected nothing of Remember me. Later I looked at it again and acknowledged that it looked nice, but it still felt boring. When it came out all reviews were showing that my predictons were right and I almost forgot that it existed. But then I heard several excited opinions on the game and it got me curious. When I learned that the soundtrack was done by Olivier Derivière I got even more interested, since his soundtracks never disappoint and are consistently beautiful. Then i played the game and it wasn’t particularly great. Then I completed it.

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Metro 2033 Redux. Better in most things edition

4A has recently released Metro Redux – a pack of two remastered games, Metro 2033 from 2010 and Metro: Last Light from last year. Both games were moved to an updated engine with updated lighting, both games have new distinct modes of playing them – Survival (closer to 2033) or Spartan (closer to Last Light). Both games got updated voice acting, with the same voice actor for Artyom in all main languages and new localisations including the Ukrainian. I’ve already told what I think of the Metro: Last Light Redux, which was less affected by this remaster. Metro 2033, on the other hand, looks very different now, several levels were combined, some scenes and sections were redone, at times completely, the weapons were redesigned to be closer to how they work in the second game (so you modify weapons now instead of exchanging different weapons with different modifications), controls were updated as well. Most of these changes were welcome and make the game far more fun to play. Yet, there are a couple of changes that are questionable at best and outright dumb at worst.

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Thoughts on: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD

Mirror of Fate is a curious beast. While I didn’t like first Lords of Shadow all that much, apart from the stunning visual design and an intriguing, but poorly told story, its 2D sequel/side-story feels an improvement in almost every way. It’s like most of the best things and few of the bad things from LoS put together in a 2D action adventure RPG platformer.

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In love with: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Sometimes I feel like PlatinumGames can’t make a bad game. Something niche, sure. But that niche will worship this game forever and consider it one of the best of all time. This is the team that has an understanding of action in their blood and western developers can just scream “FUCK YOU!” with impotence. Finally, one of their titles is on PC and it feels my dark soul with liiiiiight (11!!!11). Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance… And I gotta say that Revengeance is a silly word but is actually real. And here I was hoping for a sequel called Unvengeance. I’m still hoping for a sequel, though. I mean, a PC port of Bayonetta would be great as well, but until that happens, we have MGR: Revengeance to fill that genre void on PC. And besides, the games are so wildly different despite their similarities.

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Thoughts on: Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

Three years ago Amnesia: The Dark Descent took everyone by surprise. When all big budget games decided to ditch the “slow paced” genres and bank everything into the “cinematic” and explosive, a tiny studio called Frictional Games did everything differently and finally got the recognition they’ve deserved ever since Penumbra. After a slow start and very niche horror success it exploded in popularity due to the rise of the “scare cam” let’s players, who loved to scream like children on camera and pretend to be very scared. What once was a niche evolution of horror adventure for a smaller audience became a well known huge hit, something to play on a bet, “the scariest game of all time”.

It’s not surprising then, that after a while a counter reaction followed. “The game isn’t even scary”, “why is it so popular”, “this is so lame and overhyped” and etc. It’s in this climate the “sequel”(not actually a sequel and from a different developer) Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs got released. The game has been just released and already there are thousands of people disappointed in it without even trying it and being shocked that Pigs isn’t The Dark Descent 2 (which will never happen and wouldn’t have happened). Which is especially funny, since in many ways A Machine for Pigs is exactly the kind of game Frictional wanted to do in a while.

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O tempora: F.E.A.R. (with expansions)

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

Monolith Productions has remained one of the most important studios for me for the longest time. I liked Blood as a teen, but my own proper PC wasn’t a thing until 2001, which was just about the time The Operative: No One Lives Forever got released. That classic, which is still sadly not re-released due to rights issues, was just the beginning. Fantastic Aliens versus Predator 2 followed with its 3 story campaigns that constantly cross over – something that is still a rarity for games. Then, of course, a long expected sequel No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.’s Way. Then one of the best movie license games ever – Tron 2.0. And then, in a single year, two amazing games got released – F.E.A.R. and Condemned: Criminal Origins. I am not listing a couple of other games they developed, just due to not playing them myself (though I did play Contract J.A.C.K., which isn’t worth mentioning), but point is – Monolith never disappointed me.

F.E.A.R. was the point where everything started changing. With the game itself, as it was a unique blend of ideas from classic FPS titles and the more “modern” ideas for the genre. For the company, since after this year their projects started getting less praise. And even for the company focus – a switch from their PC-centric development (LithTech engine was specifically designed to be a showcase of DirectX), to a far larger emphasis on consoles. 8 years after F.E.A.R. was originally released, a lot of its faults are more obvious. Yet, it still never fails to amaze.

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Darksiders II. Всадник второй

Darksiders II, review, обзор

Darksiders вышла два года назад и, хоть и не завоевала никаких наград вроде “игры года”, и не продавалась настолько круто, как ожидалось, была заслуженным хитом. Грамотный Legend of Zelda-подобный геймплей, в более Legacy of Kain-навеянном дизайне от хорошо зарекомендовавшего себя комиксиста. С банальноватым, но неплохим сюжетом и запоминающейся вселенной, и персонажами.  И корявым ПК портом. Darksiders II, не смотря на римское 2 в названии, кажется совсем другой, и в то же время, абсолютно той же игрой. Которую хотелось бы охарактеризовать как “лучше”, но так и просится “немного иначе”.

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Happy about: Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3 has looked like a controversial game ever since the announcement. From the start, it had people who refused to believe in a game with Max without NYC and Remedy. It was clear that this franchise, that originally taught early 00s gamers the word “noir” (without explaining what it meant), was to become something else entirely. But change is never just bad or just good.

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Happy about: Kane & Lynch 1 & 2. Dead Dogs an’ all sorts

I finally got to playing Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days – a game that I wanted to play ever since it was announced. I’m a bit slow with this, perhaps, but at least I can do something I’ve planned from the start – make a double review. I played the original game when it was released, so with this one out, I wanted to make a kind of a comparison of games. Now, with both of them completed, I can talk about them without fear that I misremember anything. Are the games as bad as some say? Are they as good as fans say? Why is the camcorder in 2 never running out of battery? Okay, I’ll skip the last question, but will try to answer the first two.

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O tempora: Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven was really big back in the day. Well, in the PC gaming space. This incredible project was extremely well received, but a lot of people missed it partially due to the PC exclusivity for a long time (and later released console port wasn’t good) and partially due to the expectations set by GTA III released a year earlier. People expected an explosive sandbox, rather than a linear story driven experience in an open world. I remember loving the game back then, but years later, can it still be great?

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