Writing about something like killer7 new PC port is a bit weird. On one hand, this is very much a revisit of a game from 2005, originally on GameCube and PlayStation 2, that I have played (though never finished) back in the day. Making this a bit of a retrospective post, like my O tempora series. Yet at the same time, this new PC port of the game, despite not bringing big changes, can play so much differently, that it’s hard not to approach it as if it was a new game entirely. So I will try to look at the game from both perspectives – as a replay of a cult classic game from 14 years ago, and as a completely new title you might’ve never heard before and might want to check out. May the lord smile and the devil have mercy.
Tag: great soundtrack
Happy about: The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky “Trilogy”
Ever since I’ve started playing games from Nihon Falcom, I’ve heard the Trails in the Sky subseries of their The Legend of Heroes franchise brought up a lot as an example of a truly amazing story-driven game with amazing character development, deep world lore and really good narrative. And since the official international PC re-release of the first game 5 years ago the talks about these games grew even harder to ignore. So I’ve finally decided to give all of the 3 games a go.
Read more“Happy about: The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky “Trilogy””
In love with: Unavowed
Dave Gilbert’s Wadjet Eye Games have come a very long way. Despite sticking to the Adventure Game Studio and its aged and hard to work with tools, they’ve managed to both create and help create some of the most refreshing and innovative point and click adventures over the past 12 years. And while they have published some good games, I always preferred Dave’s own approach to designing adventures, which often favored dialogue and good storytelling over puzzles. And Unavowed may be the most interesting take at adventure games I’ve seen since the “golden age”. Or ever.
Happy about: Gorogoa and Donut County
There’s something special about the little short games that manage to cram a lot of awesome into just an hour or two. It’s not a common thing to happen, I’d say, as most titles tend to either aim at a longer gameplay time, or are very short experiments, that don’t feel like a complete experience. Even The Room series started as feeling like a really cool first part of something bigger and not as a complete package, even if the game was fun. But that’s what’s cool about two very different games, Gorogoa and Donut County, that will take you less than 2 hours to complete on the first try, yet still feel like a complete and fun experience.
Disappointed thoughts on: Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (4.x with DLCs)
I remember being surprised at the announcement of Project Eternity Kickstarter campaign, the working title for the original Pillars of Eternity. A surprise that quickly turned to throwing money into the monitor. Obsidian Entertainment have rarely disappointed before and they most certainly didn’t with PoE, when I eventually got around to play it. In fact, I’d say that it remains one of my absolute favorite story driven RPGs, just based on the fact how it managed to perfectly merge the simple sword and sorcery of the classic Baldur’s Gate (and older fantasy RPG titles), with a genuinely interesting and nuanced world. It was a game full of memorable ideas, characters and lots of choices that made me think hard, carefully weighting the options and bringing myself and my own morality into the game world.
So of course I backed the Pillars of Eternity II campaign as soon as it started. Obsidian Entertainment have rarely disappointed…
Read more“Disappointed thoughts on: Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (4.x with DLCs)”
O tempora: Scratches: Director’s Cut
O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.
Scratches was originally released in 2006 (with updated Director’s Cut being available since 2007) at just the right time. By that point both adventure games and horror titles not focusing on action became somewhat rare, and a change was yet to come. It was far from being the first attempt at a screen-by-screen transition first person view game (like Myst) that focused on horror, but unlike a lot of its competition it was really well made and told a simple, yet genuinely engaging story. Returning to this game 12 years later certainly feels interesting.
Happy about: Assassin’s Creed Origins (Gold Edition)
Back in March, when talking about AC: Syndicate, I opened with “It’s been a while since I’ve genuinely enjoyed my time with an Assassin’s Creed game.” And I’m surprised to say, Origins finally changes that.
Read more“Happy about: Assassin’s Creed Origins (Gold Edition)”
Happy about: Divinity: Original Sin 2 – Definitive Edition
Larian Studios have been doing Divinity series for 16 years now and if anything, I cannot call any of their games “boring”. Divine Divinity was an attempt to mix the depth of Ultima series with simplistic aRPG gameplay of Diablo, Beyond decided to add dual character control into that mix, Divinity II allowed you to read NPCs minds and turn into a dragon at almost any point in the open map and Dragon Commander was a bizarre mix of genres where you played as a dragon with a jetpack. When going with crowdfunding for Original Sin, they decided to switch from action RPGs to turn based RPGs and focus on cooperative gameplay, half-jokingly saying that the game was designed to be played specifically by people in a romantic relationship.
But despite all of these creative and fun ideas, every single game they’ve made felt clunky, not particularly good at anything it tried to be and somewhat half-baked. I did enjoy my time with Divine and Divinity 2 back in the day, but none of the other games, including Original Sin, could get me interested for longer than a few hours, either because they were boring, or plot was terrible, or something else, or all of the above. So, I’m glad, that it wasn’t the case for Original Sin 2, when I’ve recently completed it in the updated Definitive Edition package.
Read more“Happy about: Divinity: Original Sin 2 – Definitive Edition”
In love with: La-Mulana 2
It seems forever ago now that I’ve first played and fell in love with the original (technically, the remake) La-Mulana, even though it’s only been 5 years. The original “Archaeological Ruin Exploration Action Game” was a very unique, even for today, approach to exploration-focused platformer titles, borrowing heavily from unknown in the west The Maze of Galious. Despite having a lot of similarities to the “metroidvania” games, it focused much more heavily on puzzles that could go from covering just the room you are in to the entire game world and required you to pay close attention to the details you see. It had a lot of unique and fun elements to it, but it was also often infuriatingly obtuse with puzzle design, sometimes requiring you to not just think outside the box, but realize that you might be in the box, visualize it on paper, then translate it into some invented language and then find a way how to think outside of it.
When the Kickstarter project for La-Mulana 2 appeared in 2014 one of the biggest promises was to keep all the excitement of the exploration, puzzles, challenge and sense of adventure intact, but also improve on those frustrating elements, that were originally intentionally done in such an annoying manner to emulate the design of games from the MSX. After throwing my money at the screen and waiting for 4 years, I’ve decided to wait a few more months until the first few patches were released to iron out most of the issues. And finally, I was able to get into La-Mulana 2. 42 hours later…
Thoughts on: Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
After revisiting the remaster of the first Darksiders, it was time to revisit the remaster of the second game (that was actually released before the remaster of first). It was curious to see how the developers wanted to expand the universe they’ve introduced us to in the first game and make some really curious and somewhat innovative changes to the gameplay again and the ideas put into the remastered version were pretty great as well. Though, sadly, the game, especially in this version, is also somewhat of a glitchy mess.