Revisiting The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

I loved this game back in 2007, before a lot of patches made it better, I love it today, when some of its parts are very outdated. It’s still an amazing adventure in a truly unique world with great story, witty dialogue and Slavic mythology. Though, if you play it in English, it will lose some of its charm (note, I recommend playing it with Polish voice acting even if you leave text in a language you do understand).

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Thoughts on: Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture

Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture had a weird road to take. Prototyped 4 years ago as a PC game about the world ending, and playable hero having a limited amount of time to do whatever they think they can or should do before the world ends it ended up being much closer to the first The Chinese Room’s project – Dear Esther. And, to be completely honest with you, despite loving Esther (and Pigs), I was sad to hear that Rapture will abandon the original plan. Afraid to see that Rapture will overstay the welcome of less interactive games and have a cold reception and, well, be simply much more boring then Esther was. In a few ways, I was right to be afraid. But mostly, Rapture is a huge “this is how it’s done” lesson on how to make a beautiful theatrical touching story with little to no interaction, which, at the same time, simply wouldn’t work in any other medium, other than games.

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Thoughts on: Sylvio

Sylvio might look like “yet another Unity engine First Person horror adventure game”, but it’s not. It does things in a very unique and interesting way and it all boils down to the fact, that the game is all centered around the EVP – Electronic Voice Phenomena. If you were every interested in any paranormal things you might understand that no matter how unscientific and disproved this is, it can still be a thrilling theme to explore. Hence the popularity of the topic not only in classic horror movies, but in modern ones as well. Yet, surprisingly, not a single game (to my knowledge) before Sylvio has dedicated itself fully to it.

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Thoughts on: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Finally, my soul is free to be reborn in the world without Lightning.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 was a pleasant surprise (even if not the greatest game) after the horrible pointlessness of XIII. So you could expect Lightning Returns, aka XIII-3 to be even better. Nope, it completely destroys everything that it could’ve had going for it. While being absolutely sure it’s doing great.

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Thoughts on: Final Fantasy XIII-2

After suffering through Final Fantasy XIII where nothing happened, I didn’t expect the direct sequel to be any better. The first game of the “Lightning saga” wasted all of the potential it had in the mythology and themes, so I didn’t expect that Square Enix can somehow make it so the sequel fixes all of the problems. I was not ready for Final Fantasy XIII-2. It’s impossible to be ready for this game. It’s a bizarre mix of pleasant and unpleasant changes and new ideas that somehow manage to fit the conventions of the series.

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Thoughts on: Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII was released in 2009 and after the initial wave of praise, it started getting very different opinions thrown about it. I read all those opinions and had certain expectations, but… It’s Final Fantasy, come on! I played all of the previous titles, though have not finished any of the PS2 games. X just didn’t click with me at all, due to characters and the setting, while XII was completely almost 100%, but I got bored during the final boss fight and watched the ending online. Hopefully, it gets a re-release in HD someday, preferably on PC and I’ll definitely play it again. Anyway, I couldn’t skip FF XIII, all of the “Trilogy”. And it starts… well, atrociously.

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