Quick thoughts on: Ynglet

Quick thoughts on: Ynglet

I really like games by Nifflas (Nicklas Nygren) even when I don’t like to play them. Truth be told, apart from the wonderful Knytt games, I never finished any of the other titles he designed or worked on. So when I saw Ynglet, my memory went to the really tough platforming parts of Knytt Underground, which were my least liked part of that wonderful game, and I considered skipping this game. Luckily I didn’t.

The basic idea behind Ynglet is simple – you can freely move within bordered blocks but outside of them you move on momentum. Think of it as if you’re playing a platformer with water blocks in the air, because the basic concept is similar. However, the game has other types of blocks and surfaces and quickly adds a dash move that behaves differently depending on what surface it’s used on. So despite the simple concept, the game doesn’t really get old.

Ynglet, review, обзор Ynglet, review, обзор Ynglet, review, обзор

Helped by the fact that it’s super short. It’s not exactly easy on the default difficulty, but not frustrating either and takes around 2 hours or less to complete once. There are a few bonus levels, old 2013 prototype of the game and an unlockable inverted mode. But otherwise, that’s it. Just a really great looking simple platforming game. With a fully dynamic soundtrack (think Portal 2, but better). And that’s exactly what I loved about it.

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