This musical post will be quite a bit more personal than usual. For a rather simple reason, really – there are a lot of bands and artists that had profound impact on my life and appreciation of variety of music, but Tequilajazzz might have affected me most. They’re not a band I can call “my favorite”, hell I wasn’t even listening to it when the impact was made and many years since than. But… Well, I’ll explain later.
It’s one of the earliest bands in post-soviet countries that I know of that had a very distinct post-hardcore, post-punk, experimental rock sound during their early days, yet were very well and not some underground band that only got to be appreciated years later *cough* Дубовый Гаайъ *cough*. But even more interesting is how they changed and evolved with time, slowly going from aggressive and harsh hardcore sound to more melodic alternative rock, which at times incorporates influences from jazz, funk or other more “easy listening” genres, while still sticking to the high energy performance. They’re a blast live. Speaking of which…